Carte Postale des Tropiques
2012 - 2013
Vidéoprojection HD sur téléviseur peint
1 mn en boucle
This installation accounts for the distended temporality observed and felt in the Marquesas Islands. A recent photograph of Atuona's "Studio of the tropics" as conceived and designed by Paul Gauguin to welcome his artist friends from the metropolis, is printed on a postcard of watercolor paper. Over a period of one minute, the image deteriorates and seems to undergo the test of an accelerated temporality leaving only a yellowed postcard comparable to those that are affected by the sun on tourist sites. The image is actually subjected to the mechanical test of water, revisiting the technique of watercolor by the melting of printed inks. The device confronts an old black and white TV relegated to screen status and a HD video projector, thus replaying the insular cohabitation of modernity and obsolescence. During this video loop, photography gives way to an image that can no longer be dated or contemporaneity. |